Friday, May 8, 2009

research journal assignment #14

I have learned a lot this semester, but the most important thing i think that i have learned would have to be the importance of research. This class has really taught me to research everything you do to make sure you get the right information. This will help me in the future because if i ever have to do a big report for a company, I will have the skills to research the topic and create a very well put together project. I will also help me in my personal life because when the day comes that i need to help my kids with their homework or essay i can easily help then to find the information they need.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Research assignment #13

My Application Project will most likely be a short story or a My plan will for my short story will be an adventure of someone or a group of people. They will have to travel though different Parallel Universes to figure out a situation or to escape from something or someone. For the I think that i will just do the shortest and easiest explanations that i can on Parallel Universes.
I have not accomplished much yet i am still trying to decide what i am going to do. However i do feel i am leaning more towards the short story, just because it will be fun to write instead of writing another research paper where i can't use any imagination or my own personal voice. And i love to write short stories because you can go anywhere and do anything you want with them.
I Still need to get started! But i think as soon as i start writing i won't stop until I'm done, that's just how i write my stories i just get on a role and don't stop until I'm done. so i just need to start writing.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Extra Credit
This is the URL for my Extra Credit Word Cloud.
These are very fun to make!

research assignment #12
This is the URL for my word cloud.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Research journal assignment #10

I think for my Application project i might do a short story. I have chosen this because Parallel Universes only exist in Science Fiction so i want to right a new story one a little more realistic that might help people get how parallel universes work but also make it fun to read so they will not be over whelmed with huge words and long research papers. Instead i will make a short little adventure that will give people the basic idea of how parallel universes work.

research journal assignment #10

My field of research has mostly been online or on the history channel. I have found that this topic is very controversial and many scientist believe that there are parallel universes out there it is just what kind that they are arguing over. I have also gone to the library where i found a lot of magazines on the topic, what i really find interesting is that no one really started talking about parallel universes until around the new century. I have also conducted the same survey as before you can find it in an older post around 4 i think. I gave it to all my friends and family around 30 people and i have found that not many people believe in parallel universes only about a third said that the believed. I think this is because people aren't very educated on the topic.

Monday, April 6, 2009

research journal assignment #9


on page one


also on page one

research journal assignment #8

[For years parallel universes were nothing but Science fiction. Writers loved to speculate on the possibility of other universes which might exist. In one, Elvis Presley might still be alive or the British Empire might still have control over the Americas.]

This is the Original -For years parallel universes were a staple of the Twilight Zone. Science fiction writers loved to speculate on the possible other universes which might exist. In one, they said, Elvis Presley might still be alive or in another the British Empire might still be going strong.

research journal assignment #9

Five Visual Aids
1. Pictures to help show what the different Parallel universes might look like
2. Graphs to show how many people believe in a multiverse
3. Pictures of the scientists
4. Showing the different experiments
5. Table of contents

research journal assignment #9

1.  I have found that the majority of people don’t believe in parallel universes. So what would happen if Parallel Universes could be proven. Everyone ideals would be shaken. What if we found ways to explore them, maybe space isn’t the final frontier.

2. The Universe has captivated the human race with it's mystery and beauty, But what if there wasn't just one universe but many different ones even an infinite number? It's enough to blow your mind but scientist many have found Parallel Universes.

3. There are many different theories of Parallel Universes but the main three are infinite space so infinite earths and infinite possibilities or Level one, Level two is the bubble theory were there are many different universes floating in hyperspace like bubbles. Then finally Level three Which is the infinite dimension theory where there are infinite outcomes just like level one but its all in the same universes and earth just in a different dimension.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Research journal assignment #7

My first evaluation will be on a article out of Skeptical Inquirer Magazine. This article was published in a science magazine so the reliability of this article is very good in my opinion. The author also seems to use a lot of vocabulary that only scientists would know and he give definitions for all the words that the general public would not know. The information in this article is also right on he gives science experiments and the scientist that conduct them. it was only written 7 years ago so it is pretty up to date. I would say that this Article is very reliable.

One article that i found on the web was how stuff works "do parallel universes really exist?". The author of this article really did his homework because he explains everything so simple and easy to understand that you know he is an expert on this topic. There are also no spelling or grammar problems so it has been published and looked over many times. There is nothing out of the ordinary in this article so it is also reliable.

I have found books in library's all over but couldn't seem to find them when i got there, so i have looked at some books o papers online one is written by the scientist i want to interview so i know that it is very reliable. The paper is kind of difficult to read but i know must of what he is saying.

Research journal assignment #7

1. I used Yahoo directory
2. My keyword was Parallel Universes
3. no search strategy
4. 3/15/09
5. number of hits was 61
6. the relevance was a 5 for the first couple then it went down to a 2.5 for the rest

I did like using the yahoo directory because it allowed me to find my best web sites a lot faster then just doing a general search on google.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Research journal assignment #6

1.Resource Searched-  Searchmaze
2.Keyword- Parallel Universes
3.Search Strategies- none
4.Date of search-   3/9
5.number of hits- Less than 10
6.Relevance of hits- 3

1. Iboogie
2. Parallel Universes
3. none
4. 3/7
5. 20
6. the first 5 were a 5   the rest were a 3

2.Parallel Universes
5. Around 15
6. It was about a 4.5 to a 5

Research journal assignment #6

My plan for my field research would be to have a couple of interviews and maybe one survey if i can't get an interview. For my interview i will try and interview a scientist that has written many papers on parallel universes and other topics of physics, he is one of the most brilliant minds today. The only problem with trying to interview this scientist is that he is a very busy man and you have to wait on a waiting list to do this. So i think that trying to get an interview with this scientist is not very practical. If i can't get this interview my backup plan is to conduct a survey on how much people really know about Parallel universes and if they think it is real.

Research journal assignment #6

The Internet search engines that i use the most would have to be the major ones, like Google and Yahoo. Some of the things that i like about them is that you can usually find what your looking for, however sometimes these sure engines just give you to much options that are very random and it takes you forever to find the topic you are researching. whenever i get on the Internet to research a topic i typically save about an hour for my research just in case i have trouble looking for my topic. After this last assignment i did find a lot more search engines that seem to help me. Both surfwax and iboogie have given me much more options that were related to my topic then any of those other major search engines. So i guess that more isn't necessarily better.

Monday, March 2, 2009

research journal assignment #5

Well My Topic is not very popular so i couldn't change to much but i did try Multiverse instead of Parallel Universe and that got some good results and i also tried stuff like worm holes and black holes but that just started to go off on a different path. The Multiverse seems to be working the best for now so i think i will continue to search with that.

research journal assignment #5

1. Author- Aurelien Barrau
Title- Parallel Universes: Are They More than a Figment of our Imagination
Date- November 13, 2008
Article of- The Daily Galaxy

2. Author- Roger Highfield
Title- Parallel Universe proof boosts time travel hopes
Date- September 27 2007
Article of-

These two Articles were the only different reliable ones i could find but i had to use google to find them. I guess that my topic is just not popular enough for some of the other research sites. However i did find some very good video's about my topic on you tube and the History Channel.

research journal assignment #5

Resource searched-
Keywords-Parallel Universes 
Search Strategies- Is to look in the science department of the different topics
Date of Search- 2-28-09
Number of hits- 20
relevance of hits- first 5 are a 5 but the rest are a 3

1.Sparrow-Size Kingfisher
- Our Universe Part of a Super-Universe
-Science News Letter
- April 5, 1930 issue
-page number unknown

2. Martin Gardner
- Multiverses and Blackbarries
- Skeptical Inquirer magazine
- September 2001
- Page Unknown

3. unknown Author
The Great Cosmic Roller-Coaster Ride
Scientific America
October 2007
Unknown pages

Research journal assignment #5

Monday, February 23, 2009

Research journal assignment #4  i commented on the articles of his blog so it is the first page i think 4a. it was also 4a.

Research journal assignment #4

1.Multiversality.- Scott, Jim.

-New Scientist (0262-4079)

-1/10/2009. Vol.201,Iss.2690;p.17-18

2.Parallel worlds : a journey through creation, higher dimensions, and the future of the cosmos /

Author: Kaku, Michio.

Published: Doubleday, 2005.

I search the Aurora library, jeffco library, and the virtual library

keywords were Parallel and Universe

search strategies were look for the most accessible

number of hits none for metro, two for jeffco and about 20 for the virtual library

relevance of hits was a 4

research journal assignment #4

Finding my articles that i will be using in my research paper, i just simply used google and yahoo to find my articles. One reason that i choose this was because the other ways that the research journal suggested didn't give me any results, i think that is because my topic isn't a very popular one. However here are some articles that i found.
1. Do Parallel Universes really exist?
- How Stuff Works, Inc
- 1998-2009
- one page

2. Parallel Universes
-Michio Kaku
- 2002
- one page

3. Muliverse
- Wikipedia
- 2009
- Wikimedia Foundation Inc.
- five pages

Resource searched- Google
keywords- Parallel and Universes
Search strategies- have mostly been using you tube for documentaries
date search- 2-17-09 and 2-14-09
number of hits- on google a lot but on what the research journal offered me zero
relevance of hits- most were a 3

Monday, February 16, 2009

Research journal assignment #3

I think that the five research options i have for this project would be mostly Interviews and observations. This is because the only information that i will get are theories so they could or couldn't be true. So i am just taking scientists best knowledge from their experiments and what they believe to do my report. But i think that surveys will also help, because it will give me an idea of what the majority of scientists believe is true on this subject. I also will be doing most of my research online so peoples opinions might also effect my research (both bad and good). However i think that most of  my information will be from a very highly rated scientist that appears on many science show and web sights. i feel that he is one of the smartest men in the science community right now, he also makes his explanations so that everyone can understand them, by using examples and other different ways to think and view the subject just in a different way.

Research journal assignment #3

1."Parallel Universes"
2."Parallel Universes and it's effect"
3."Parallel Universes and the human race"

Boolean Searches
1. parallel universes and the human race
2. parallel universes or other universes

Research journal assignment #3

 My research question is, What are the different theories of Parallel Universes and what effects could they have for the human race if found to exist?


1.Parallel:having the same direction, course, nature, or tendency,corresponding,similar
3.Effects:Something brought about by a cause
4.Human: Man,controlling,smart,violent,everyone
5.Race: entirety,the species, as a whole
6.Exist: to be here, alive, somewhere out there, with a purpose

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Parallel Universe Survey

This survey will determine on how well you are educated about Parallel Universes and their theory.  Please answer to the best of your knowledge so that I can get approximant readout of what the general pubic does and does not know about this controversial topic.


1. Did you know that scientists have created theories of different kinds of parallel universes (after recent experiments in which partials have just disappeared into thin air then reappeared somewhere else)?


       (Circle one)            yes           no


2.  In a parallel universe every possibility that could happen has happened because there are infant universes so that means infant earths?


                          (Circle one)      yes                no


3.  That there are three different ideas on how parallel universes exist?


(Circle the ones you have heard of)


a.  The universe is infant and never stops so that must mean that there are multiple earths and every possibility that could happen has.



                           b.  That parallel universes are in little bubbles and there are infant bubbles of these universes so every possibility has happened in them too.



                           c.  That universes are created when two dimensions hit each other which then causes the big bang however we don’t know how many other universes would be out there because of this.


4.  Which experiment is the one that is going to prove that there are parallel universes?


(Circle the ones that are right)

a.     A giant underground ring that is over 16 miles in length and will shoot particles at near light speed and collide two particles to see what happens.

b.     Scientist are building a radiation gun that will decay the atoms in a certain area where they will get a quick view into another universes.

c.       A giant telescope is going to shoot two lasers out to the edge of the universes that we can see and the using the two lasers distance they will find if the universe is curved or if it is infant.



5.  And just out of curiosity do you believe in the theory of parallel universes?


               (Circle one)     yes         no

Monday, February 9, 2009

Research journal assignment #2

What- what are the effect on what we thought the universe was if we discover parallel universes?
Why- Why are scientists searching for these parallel universes?
When- When did scientist start think that there might be different universes out there?
Where- Where are these parallel universe's if they exist?
Who- Who was the first to come up with the theory of the parallel universe
How- How would scientist discover a parallel universe?
Could- Could parallel universes even exist?
Should- Should we even be searching for these universes or are we pushing science to far?
 I think that my research question would best fit the What category.
 My research question will be  What are the different theories of Parallel Universes and what effects could they have for the human race if found to exist?

Research journal assignment #2

I have thought about my topic and how very big and in depth it is so i think that i do need to narrow my topic down. I think that just the major hypothesis will be enough to wright a paper on. I will put in both sides of the topic, and peoples/scientists idea's on why there are parallel universe's and why there might not be. I believe that if i do this and debate for both sides that it will be more then enough to write my paper.

Research journal assignment #2

I have chosen a new topic to do my research paper on. I have chosen Parallel Universes for my new topic. I just find our universe very interesting and mysterious. Now with the thought that there could be parallel universes also,  it just fascinates me. The majority of my research is just what i know about it now, however i did just watch a show about parallel universe's on the History channel (the show is called The Universe). I have also Googled it a little just to see what other people think about my topic. I have found that it is a very touchy subject because it is all just theories about what could really be out there.  It is just mind blowing to even think about it.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Research journal assignment #1 is my Delicious account 

Research journal assignment #1

The Topic that i choose was if NASCAR is a sport or not. The reason that i choose it was because i drive a race car and would love to make it in one auto sports biggest series NASCAR. People just don't understand what it takes to drive a race car, I hear people all the time who say that NASCAR or any form of auto racing isn't a sport. Those people think that racing a car is just like drive their own car down the street and this just is not true. I choose this topic so that everyone will know what it takes to drive a race car and that it is a true sport.
I already know a lot about this topic because i race cars. So i have a lot of experience in and around the sport. I know that NASCAR is a love or hate relationship with viewers, you either love it and just can't get enough of it or you hate and think that it is boring. I also know that fans of NASCAR are very loyal and will give you a piece of their mind if you try and bring down their sport. I also know from experience what kinds of skills are required to drive race cars and what your body goes though in a race.
I know must everything about the sport the only thing i don't know is how the people who don't like NASCAR feel about it. I also don't know what the NASCAR stars go though on the race track from experience so i will be taking other advise for this. 

Research journal assignment #1

Here are some interesting topic i think i would like to wright about, Nascar and if it is a sport or not, parallel Universes and the theories about them, Global Warming, Love, and maybe how music effects ones body.