Saturday, January 31, 2009

Research journal assignment #1

The Topic that i choose was if NASCAR is a sport or not. The reason that i choose it was because i drive a race car and would love to make it in one auto sports biggest series NASCAR. People just don't understand what it takes to drive a race car, I hear people all the time who say that NASCAR or any form of auto racing isn't a sport. Those people think that racing a car is just like drive their own car down the street and this just is not true. I choose this topic so that everyone will know what it takes to drive a race car and that it is a true sport.
I already know a lot about this topic because i race cars. So i have a lot of experience in and around the sport. I know that NASCAR is a love or hate relationship with viewers, you either love it and just can't get enough of it or you hate and think that it is boring. I also know that fans of NASCAR are very loyal and will give you a piece of their mind if you try and bring down their sport. I also know from experience what kinds of skills are required to drive race cars and what your body goes though in a race.
I know must everything about the sport the only thing i don't know is how the people who don't like NASCAR feel about it. I also don't know what the NASCAR stars go though on the race track from experience so i will be taking other advise for this. 

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