Friday, May 8, 2009

research journal assignment #14

I have learned a lot this semester, but the most important thing i think that i have learned would have to be the importance of research. This class has really taught me to research everything you do to make sure you get the right information. This will help me in the future because if i ever have to do a big report for a company, I will have the skills to research the topic and create a very well put together project. I will also help me in my personal life because when the day comes that i need to help my kids with their homework or essay i can easily help then to find the information they need.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Research assignment #13

My Application Project will most likely be a short story or a My plan will for my short story will be an adventure of someone or a group of people. They will have to travel though different Parallel Universes to figure out a situation or to escape from something or someone. For the I think that i will just do the shortest and easiest explanations that i can on Parallel Universes.
I have not accomplished much yet i am still trying to decide what i am going to do. However i do feel i am leaning more towards the short story, just because it will be fun to write instead of writing another research paper where i can't use any imagination or my own personal voice. And i love to write short stories because you can go anywhere and do anything you want with them.
I Still need to get started! But i think as soon as i start writing i won't stop until I'm done, that's just how i write my stories i just get on a role and don't stop until I'm done. so i just need to start writing.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Extra Credit
This is the URL for my Extra Credit Word Cloud.
These are very fun to make!

research assignment #12
This is the URL for my word cloud.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Research journal assignment #10

I think for my Application project i might do a short story. I have chosen this because Parallel Universes only exist in Science Fiction so i want to right a new story one a little more realistic that might help people get how parallel universes work but also make it fun to read so they will not be over whelmed with huge words and long research papers. Instead i will make a short little adventure that will give people the basic idea of how parallel universes work.

research journal assignment #10

My field of research has mostly been online or on the history channel. I have found that this topic is very controversial and many scientist believe that there are parallel universes out there it is just what kind that they are arguing over. I have also gone to the library where i found a lot of magazines on the topic, what i really find interesting is that no one really started talking about parallel universes until around the new century. I have also conducted the same survey as before you can find it in an older post around 4 i think. I gave it to all my friends and family around 30 people and i have found that not many people believe in parallel universes only about a third said that the believed. I think this is because people aren't very educated on the topic.

Monday, April 6, 2009

research journal assignment #9


on page one


also on page one