Monday, March 16, 2009

Research journal assignment #7

My first evaluation will be on a article out of Skeptical Inquirer Magazine. This article was published in a science magazine so the reliability of this article is very good in my opinion. The author also seems to use a lot of vocabulary that only scientists would know and he give definitions for all the words that the general public would not know. The information in this article is also right on he gives science experiments and the scientist that conduct them. it was only written 7 years ago so it is pretty up to date. I would say that this Article is very reliable.

One article that i found on the web was how stuff works "do parallel universes really exist?". The author of this article really did his homework because he explains everything so simple and easy to understand that you know he is an expert on this topic. There are also no spelling or grammar problems so it has been published and looked over many times. There is nothing out of the ordinary in this article so it is also reliable.

I have found books in library's all over but couldn't seem to find them when i got there, so i have looked at some books o papers online one is written by the scientist i want to interview so i know that it is very reliable. The paper is kind of difficult to read but i know must of what he is saying.

Research journal assignment #7

1. I used Yahoo directory
2. My keyword was Parallel Universes
3. no search strategy
4. 3/15/09
5. number of hits was 61
6. the relevance was a 5 for the first couple then it went down to a 2.5 for the rest

I did like using the yahoo directory because it allowed me to find my best web sites a lot faster then just doing a general search on google.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Research journal assignment #6

1.Resource Searched-  Searchmaze
2.Keyword- Parallel Universes
3.Search Strategies- none
4.Date of search-   3/9
5.number of hits- Less than 10
6.Relevance of hits- 3

1. Iboogie
2. Parallel Universes
3. none
4. 3/7
5. 20
6. the first 5 were a 5   the rest were a 3

2.Parallel Universes
5. Around 15
6. It was about a 4.5 to a 5

Research journal assignment #6

My plan for my field research would be to have a couple of interviews and maybe one survey if i can't get an interview. For my interview i will try and interview a scientist that has written many papers on parallel universes and other topics of physics, he is one of the most brilliant minds today. The only problem with trying to interview this scientist is that he is a very busy man and you have to wait on a waiting list to do this. So i think that trying to get an interview with this scientist is not very practical. If i can't get this interview my backup plan is to conduct a survey on how much people really know about Parallel universes and if they think it is real.

Research journal assignment #6

The Internet search engines that i use the most would have to be the major ones, like Google and Yahoo. Some of the things that i like about them is that you can usually find what your looking for, however sometimes these sure engines just give you to much options that are very random and it takes you forever to find the topic you are researching. whenever i get on the Internet to research a topic i typically save about an hour for my research just in case i have trouble looking for my topic. After this last assignment i did find a lot more search engines that seem to help me. Both surfwax and iboogie have given me much more options that were related to my topic then any of those other major search engines. So i guess that more isn't necessarily better.

Monday, March 2, 2009

research journal assignment #5

Well My Topic is not very popular so i couldn't change to much but i did try Multiverse instead of Parallel Universe and that got some good results and i also tried stuff like worm holes and black holes but that just started to go off on a different path. The Multiverse seems to be working the best for now so i think i will continue to search with that.

research journal assignment #5

1. Author- Aurelien Barrau
Title- Parallel Universes: Are They More than a Figment of our Imagination
Date- November 13, 2008
Article of- The Daily Galaxy

2. Author- Roger Highfield
Title- Parallel Universe proof boosts time travel hopes
Date- September 27 2007
Article of-

These two Articles were the only different reliable ones i could find but i had to use google to find them. I guess that my topic is just not popular enough for some of the other research sites. However i did find some very good video's about my topic on you tube and the History Channel.

research journal assignment #5

Resource searched-
Keywords-Parallel Universes 
Search Strategies- Is to look in the science department of the different topics
Date of Search- 2-28-09
Number of hits- 20
relevance of hits- first 5 are a 5 but the rest are a 3

1.Sparrow-Size Kingfisher
- Our Universe Part of a Super-Universe
-Science News Letter
- April 5, 1930 issue
-page number unknown

2. Martin Gardner
- Multiverses and Blackbarries
- Skeptical Inquirer magazine
- September 2001
- Page Unknown

3. unknown Author
The Great Cosmic Roller-Coaster Ride
Scientific America
October 2007
Unknown pages

Research journal assignment #5